BMI Products

 Product sheet
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Wrot Copper Pressure Fittings
BMI Wrot Copper Pressure Fittings
Price Lists and Packings
pdf CWR-24-1
xls CWR-24-1
pdf CWR-22-1b
xls CWR-22-1b
Effective Date
 2024-07-03 2022-03-21
Technical Specifications
pdf Wrot Copper Pressure Fittings Specifications
Certificates of Compliance
pdf Copper Fittings Certificate

pdf Wrot Copper Pressure Fittings (China) CRNs

pdf Wrot Copper Pressure Fittings (Thailand) CRNs

pdf BC Exemption from Registration Requirements - Categories A, B, C and G
Promotional Flyers
pdf Cast Copper or Wrot Copper CxC Unions

pdf Wrot Copper Flush Bushings

pdf Wrot Copper Pressure Fittings
Canadian Registration Numbers
link Wrot Copper Pressure Fittings (China) CRNs

link Wrot Copper Pressure Fittings (Thailand) CRNs
Wrot Copper Flush Bushings
CxC Unions Wrot